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The Ideal Stairlift for you – Choosing stairlifts


As the old saying goes .. we can offer 3 types of service: Fast, Good & Cheap – you can only pick two of them. A stairlift is no different.

At Ideal Stairlifts we do try to excel at all 3 when providing our stairlifts, but only ever in as much as the final solution is the best that it can be for our valued customers.

A stairlift is a significant investment in your safety and comfort at home. It is vital, therefore, that when choosing your stairlift that you make the right decision for now and for the future. You have to live with the stairlift in your home every day. If a rushed decision based solely upon speed & price was made … will the solution be a good one? It’s less likely, it would seem.
A stairlift is, however, one of the things that are all too often left until the last minute when the need becomes urgent. It is at this time that the fast-talking salesman is at an advantage.

“I can get the stairlift fitted in super-fast time, and if you sign up today I’ll even knock you a few hundred dollars off” they might say.

Without offering the time to consider the whether what is being offered is right for you. Buyer Beware

It’s a powerful motive when faced with difficulty on the stairs, but take time to consider the detail of the offering. Take time to consider alternatives. Your stairlift may be with you for many years to come so it’s important to consider that rather than just focussing on the next few weeks.

At Ideal Stairlifts we believe that our clients should be given the benefit of our many years of experience in providing stairlift solutions that really work and we ask plenty of questions to ensure we understand your needs. Every one is different. We will then apply our knowledge and experience to consider  many factors including:

  • Safety
    •  upstairs
    • downstairs
    • while on the stairlift
    • is the installation compliant with safety standards
    • could any special features make the stairlift safer
  • Functionality
    • is the stairlift easy and safe to get on and off
    • are the controls well located
    • are other stair users able to get pastUltimate Curved Stairlift
    • is there a better way
  • Appearance
    • is the stairlift as unobtrusive as possible
    • is there somewhere to park it out of the way
    • which colour works best
  • Customer requirements
    • Has the customer made any specific requests
    • Can we accommodate the request safely
    • Will any feature or function meet the clients needs better
    • Can we demonstrate alternatives

A key commitment to our customers is that we won’t sell you anything you don’t need or want. Our stairlift solutions will be safe, stylish and functional. We will look at the minimum required to meet your needs. There may well be some options available, but you can choose them, or not….

We will leave you with a quote detailing everything you need to know so that you can consider your decision at your leisure. Call us or email if more information is needed. Once you’ve made the decision to get your Ideal Stairlift we will be ready to process your order and fit your stairlift as efficiently as possible.

We have stock of Horizon straight stairlifts in our Seven Hills warehouse ready for installation whenever you need it. Horizon Plus Straight Stairlift

We make our Curved stairlifts to order and to be the perfect fit for you and your stairs. Both the Platinum Curve and Platinum Ultimate are manufactured at our supplier Platinum Stairlifts factory in the UK to be safe, smooth and stylish. This can take a little longer than, say, a ‘modular’ system. A modular system can be delivered fast, but it is made up of lots of standard rail bits bolted together.

This can mean a poor fit – almost good enough, rather than made to measure. Wide bends can take up a lot of room on the stairs.

It can be less stable – and we know that a stable ride is critically important to a stairlift user feeling safe

It can be bumpier – more pieces  and bolt on legs in a stairlift rail means it is not as smooth as a welded and custom designed one. We know that a smooth ride makes a stairlift user feel more comfortable and secure.

At the end of the day we want to be sure of providing the best stairlift solution possible and to help you to make a choice that you will be pleased with on the day on installation and for many years after.

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